© 2004 Stanford Outdoors. All rights reserved.
Broken Arrow, OK 74014 | stanfordoutdoors@hotmail.com | call: (866) 305-5690
Makers of Sharpening Systems, BBQ Sauce & Custom Made Knives
The Stanford Outdoors charter starts with quality, taking to heart the needs of the customer first. Stanford Outdoors has built its reputation on being the very best in the industry.
That reputation continues today, and will carry on far into the future. The customers of Stanford Outdoors know that excellence is in the very foundation of the business. If you, the valued customer aren’t getting the highest level of service to meet your needs, contact us using the form on the Contact page.
Call (866) 305-5690 today to set up an appointment.
I make the sharpening wheels
I sharpen your knives, scissors and more
I offer reel mower repair
I make custom Made Knives
Give us a call at
I take care of all the orders and invoicing and help with shipping out products.
I now offer BBQ Sauce you will see me working at the booth giving out samples
If you put your knives in dishwasher it causes them to dull quicker and disorts the blades.
Plastic cutting boards have more bacteria than anything else. We recommend using wood.
A well made knife is the best knife to have.
Best Sharpening Wheel system available. Start your own sharpening business. Sharpen knives,guthook,scissors,hedge clippers,axe,broadhead,wood carving tools,restaurant equipment, virtually any blade. Available at StegerSharp.com